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09/04/09 06:11 PM #1    

Richard Krugel

Welcome to the Mumford High School Class Of 1960 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

12/14/09 05:17 PM #2    


Robert Meyers

Hello! Well everyone, this is the BIG ONE. Hope we have a great turnout. I want to try to remember everyone (from our class). This will be a challenge as my memory is already slipping :) Health, happiness, and a great New Year! Bob Meyers

12/21/09 04:39 PM #3    


Fred LaBell

I have heard that the Mumford HS building is scheduled to be torn down this coming year. If any one in the area has more information, please post it.

Living in Arizona, I will not be traveling back to attend the reunion in October. I do have the intention between now and then to scan and post many photos that I have from Hampton school and Mumford on this website. Just going through the list of names has brought back many memories and where I have photos of long time friends, I am happy to share them. Fred LaBell

12/27/09 09:30 AM #4    

Melvyn Chase

Does anyone know what happened to Coach (footballl and tennis) Jim Kelly years after we graduated? I was good friends with him in high school and just wondered what became of him.

Mel Chase (

01/04/10 10:38 AM #5    

Harriet Greenstone

Just a thought. Why not hold our reunion somewhere in the city of Detroit, the place where we attended school and a city that desperately needs all of the support possible? There must be available sites in the downtown area.

06/02/10 11:32 PM #6    


Dottie Marx

Hi everyone.  I am going to the reunion alone and am wondering if anyone who lives in my area is interested in car pooling.  I live in Rablewood:  Halstead between 13 and 14 Mile Roads.  Just a thought.  If no one responds, I will simply drive myself -- no problem.

10/10/10 11:14 AM #7    

Larry Victorson

It was just GREAT.  Thanks to all who made it happen.

10/12/10 01:11 PM #8    

Dr. Paul Redstone

Anyone know who is in the picture with Paul Redstone on the last page of the journal, the one of the Washington trip?   It is the picture in the middle of the collage.  Dan Redstone said, "Look what happens when you send Paul to Wash. D.C.!"  Thought the journal was just terrific!    Thx  Linda (Shulman) Redstone


01/02/11 04:09 PM #9    

Susan Rosenblatt (Turetsky)

 Does anyone remember a French restaurant in Detroit.  I think it was on Livernois.  I had my Sweet Sixteen there.......and can't remember the name of the place.




Susan Rosenblatt Turetsky

02/08/11 03:02 PM #10    

Margaret Evans (Session)

 I would like know if anyone has a copy of the McDowell photo that we took at 50th?

03/29/15 09:59 AM #11    


Barbara Silverman (Whitfield)

Barbara Silverman Whitfield


I have posted two short videos on my research into the Near-Death Experience and it's aftereffects on my profile page. I recall my own experience at William Beaumont Hospital in 1975 and then my research on the after effects at the U. of Connecticut Medical School with psychiatrist Bruce Greyson and social psychologist Kenneth Ring. 

For more information go to


03/30/15 07:10 AM #12    

Philip Green

I believe the French restaurant on Livernois was Anatoles, or something close to that.

03/31/15 06:19 PM #13    

Susan Rosenblatt (Turetsky)

That's it, Phillip.  Many thanks.....or as they say here in New Mexico: Muchas gracias!!!


04/01/15 07:21 AM #14    

Philip Green

De nada.

04/01/15 11:27 AM #15    


Fred LaBell

Many thanks to Rosie for posting my photo collection from our Senior Trip to Washington DC. Perhaps the viewers can add the identities or comments to them. Fred LaBell

08/03/15 08:06 PM #16    

Harry Katkowsky

Congratulations to the commitee for a fantastic weekend. How special it is to reunite with old friends who helped shape our lives. How sad to see how many are no longer with us, but they will always be a part of us.Already looking forward to the next get together. It always makes me feel 17 all over again. See you all soon. Love to all........ Harry Katkowsky

08/04/15 09:46 AM #17    

Larry Victorson

Agree 10000%!


08/04/15 10:05 AM #18    


Robert Meyers

Thanks Harry,

You said it all. Great times with everyone. Special thanks to Bunny for having us Saturday night! 

08/04/15 11:05 AM #19    


Micki Grossberg (Berg, PhD)

What a wonderful reunion. Feedback is that a great time was had by all. Special thanks to Bunny for hosting the fantastic pre-party Saturday night. Kudos to Rosie (you are amazing), Carol, and the rest of our wonderful committee. When do we start planning the 60th? Love and Hugs, Micki Berg


08/04/15 11:16 AM #20    

Allan Wilson

I think Harry said it all. It is such a warm event. The class of Mumford 1960 has no equals. Thank you to the committee. Carol and Rosie you know you guys are "da bomb". Great memories of those we lost. Bunny was the first person I met when my family moved here from Canada and the first person I would see at the reunions. I know she's in a better place. Looking forward to the 60th. 

08/05/15 12:31 AM #21    


Jane Warshaw

What a spectacular  event. Our  class was quite extraordinary and our attachments are remarkable. A great opportunity to reconnect and get to  know each other as adults  and update  impressions and reminiscences. I'm so glad I made the trip.

Extra thanks to Bunny for the  pre-party even though I arrived  two hours early at  first. duh.

08/05/15 08:27 AM #22    

Lynn Jacob

To the committee what a wonderful job you did. It was a great time and and what a pleasure to see so many classmates there. 

08/05/15 11:12 AM #23    


Stephen B. Malerman

It was truly a wonderful experience seeing everyone and sharing our memories again, from a "few (haha) years ago.

i was happy that we had  only a 5 year break so i could see my dear friend Nancy Rattner, instead of waiting 10 years .

looking forward to our 60th

08/05/15 01:31 PM #24    


Dr. Stephen Millman

Sorry I couldn't make it for # 55. I live in Ca and timing was poor. ( I will be in Det for a Bat Mitzvah Labor Day  weekend.) Sounds like everyone had a good time. Hopefully we'll make it for #60! Steve Millman

08/05/15 03:02 PM #25    


Ann Getz (Small)

Dear Rosie,Bunny and Reunion Committee,

Thank you all for a Great Reunion Weekend

It was so very special to see and be with everyone.

you all made this a memorable and enjoyable weekend.

Ann Getz Small


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